Random Acts of Cardness

Spreading love and joy around the world one greeting card at a time.

  • A 68-cent stamp might seem inconsequential, but the impact it creates is monumental.

What we send for

  • Monthly Showers

    Each month, we celebrate our member’s birthdays and anniversaries by showering their mailbox with love all month long!

  • Mental Health Boosts

    We send cards out to members who are battling challenging mental situations and help lend an ear, even from thousands of miles away.

  • Holidays

    We host exchanges for many of the major holidays throughout the year including Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and Halloween. We also have mini exchanges sprinkled between the major holidays to add some fun to the day-to-day including National Hug Day and World Postcard Day!

  • ...And Much More!

    Visit the Facebook group for even more ways to get involved including encouragement and sympathy requests as well as our annual Winter Holiday shower!